After a lot of years of traveling through e-commerce industry building our brand, we developed a lot of tools on magento 1 and magento 2 for managing all the aspects of the business, fully integrated with accounting, delivery, etc., we decided to start our own business, AMONSEO, an agency with focus on ecommerce and SEO.
What services can we offer
We are able to offer a full ecommerce solutions build on Magento 2, fully integrated with accounting, delivery and small applications behind to make your life much easier:
- Magento 2 development
- Magento 1 to Magento 2 migration services
- Fulfilment software fully integrated with shipping companies
- Automated invoicing, delivery, etc
- Picker & packing app
- Delivery App for in house deliveries
- Order management sistem fully integrated with the e-commerce website
Latest websites launched:
Dair Romania
- B2B website, Romania
- Magento 2.3
- SEO services (focus on Automate Vending