About Me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum in eos saepe ipsa cupiditate accusantium voluptatibus quidem nam, reprehenderit, et necessitatibus adipisci labore sit veritatis vero tempore sequi at sed facere dolore. Quae obcaecati eius quasi doloribus illum minus fugit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum in eos saepe ipsa cupiditate accusantium voluptatibus quidem nam, reprehenderit,
What I Do
Business Stratagy
I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as Ilie close to the earth.
Business Stratagy
I throw myself down among the tall grass by the stream as Ilie close to the earth.
My Best Work
The services provice for Android user
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi, quidem dignissimos. Perspiciatis fuga soluta officiis eligendi labore, omnis ut velit vitae suscipit alias cumque temporibus.
Responsive design
Quiz builder
Stats & reports
Retina ready
The services provice for Development
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi, quidem dignissimos. Perspiciatis fuga soluta officiis eligendi labore, omnis ut velit vitae suscipit alias cumque temporibus.
Responsive design
Quiz builder
Stats & reports
Retina ready
The services provice for Android user
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Modi, quidem dignissimos. Perspiciatis fuga soluta officiis eligendi labore, omnis ut velit vitae suscipit alias cumque temporibus.
Responsive design
Quiz builder
Stats & reports
Retina ready
Amy Smith Engineer
@mr_rasel Ypur plaser well for your template from @mr_faruk There is no is best issueusing it too. It'll really speed up the design and development process :).
Amy Smith Engineer
@mr_rasel Ypur plaser well for your template from @mr_faruk There is no is best issueusing it too. It'll really speed up the design and development process :).
Amy Smith Engineer
@mr_rasel Ypur plaser well for your template from @mr_faruk There is no is best issueusing it too. It'll really speed up the design and development process :).
Amy Smith Engineer
@mr_rasel Ypur plaser well for your template from @mr_faruk There is no is best issueusing it too. It'll really speed up the design and development process :).
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My Blog
Video Marius Dosinescu
Video Marius Dosinescu
Discover a few of videos done by me or with me
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Vodafone – Digital florist campaing in Romania
The people that want to send flowers can send them anywhere in the country by scanning the QR codes in the digital flower shop in Victoriei station, using their mobile phones or tablets. People that don’t travel by Subway or aren’t living in Bucharest can access directly the website www.florariadigitala.ro. The flower shop makes available 10 types of bouquets, that can be ordered from any telecom network and have costs that start from Euro 7 (no VAT), by filling in a standard form that demands for recipient’s data (name, surname, complete address). Vodafone clients will have special discounts. The flowers will be paid via SMS and will appear directly in the invoice for subscribers or will be taken off the prepaid credit. The delivery will be made in max. 24hrs from the moment when the order is received, anywhere in the country. Flowers price also include the transport.
The project was developed by Vodafone Romania in partnership with Floridelux.ro and Metrorex, with support from McCann Erickson Romania.
Lions Dens (Shark Tank Romania) – FlorideLux.ro
I participated in Romanian version of SharkTank, 1st edition, with my Business FlorideLux.ro. We were able to get a promised investment of 300 000 EUROS for 30% of our company.
Discover a few of videos done by me or with me
I am involved, I like to help my brands grow and I like to understand everything related to my business…
Despre antreprenoriat la BiziLive / FlorideLux.ro
Facturi online
Facturi online
Facturi online – recomandarea mea pentru un soft de facturare foarte usor de folosit, perfect pentru antreprenorii la inceput de drum si nu numai: Facturare online la pret foarte bun.
De multe ori primesc intrebari legate de pornirea corecta in afaceri, cum faci sa ai un start bun, ce pasi poti efectua pentru a fi in regula cu absolut tot. Sfatul meu incepe cu un sistem de facturare, stoc management si evidenta furnizori foarte simplu, care sa te scape de dureri de cap.
Colaborez cu Facturis Online de ceva vreme si ii pot recomanda drept o solutie de facturi online la indemana pentru oricine e la inceput de drum. Felul in care iti faci managementul stocurilor, a facturilor emise catre clienti, a facturilor de la furnizori, cat de repede poti face un NIR, cat de facil este sa scoti o raportare sau sa monitorizezi platile/incasarile/miscarile de stocuri iti poate da un avantaj enorm, inca de la inceputul afacerii. Cu acest program economisiti timp, scapati de tipizate si de dureri de cap.
Programul se poate accesa simplu, online, de oriunde si de pe orice device cu acces la internet. Beneficii Facturis Online:
- Poti emite o factura in cateva secunde
- Poti emite toate documentele necesare firmei tale
- Tii sub control afacerea ta
- Rapoarte avansate si calculare automata
- Gestiune stocuri
- Asistenta tehnica gratuita
Incearca si tu: Facturare online preturi
Cea mai noua florarie din Romania
Facturis iti permite si personalizarea facturilor cu logo si cu modelul dorit, poti alege din mai multe modele disponibile. Factura este documentul care te reprezinta in relatia cu clientii si de aceea programul de facturi online Facturis pune mare pret pe acest feature. Poti sa iti personalizeci factura cu sigla firmei si deasemenea poti adauga o imagine de fundal pe toate facturile emise.
Nu uita sa comanzi flori online cu ocazia Sfantului Valentin. Descopera cele mai noi modele in floraria noastra:
Contact With Me
Nevine Acotanza
Chief Operating OfficerI am available for freelance work. Connect with me via and call in to my account
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